C.W. Eckersberg

Christian Wilhelm Eckersberg was born in Blåkrog in South Jutland and stands as one of the most important Danish painters of the 19th century. He was an apprentice in several places in Jutland before he began studying at the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen, aged 20 years. Here he took lessons from the painter and architect Nicolai Abildgaard, among others.

Travelling abroad Eckersberg went to Paris, where he became apprenticed with the painter J.L. David. He later travelled to Rome and this was marked by his many drawn and painted prospects of the city and its environs. They are considered the high point of his artistic career and as epochal in the history of Danish landscape painting.

He returned to Copenhagen in 1816 a celebrated national personality and, in 1818, was appointed professor at the Academy of Arts. At Rosenborg there is a portrait of Frederik VI with family. Even though painting of portraits wasn’t Eckersberg’s forte, his sharp eye has captured the arranged family in an almost photographic manner.

